How To Use
Step 1
Place The Bob on a flat, even surface next to a wall or support structure that can be used to assist with balance.

Step 2
Safely step onto The Bob with both feet.

Step 3
Rock forward until toes touch the ground, then rock back to the heals.

Step 4
To increase ankle strength, angle the feet in one direction, rock The Bob backward and forward. Then repeat with feet angled the opposite direction.

Step 5
For a continued workout, point toes in and rock backward and forward, then point toes out and rock back and forth again.

Step 6
For increased resistance, hold a wall or support structure for balance and rock back and forth on The Bob using one foot at a time.

Step 7
For stretching, place The Bob with the logo upside down and step onto it. Rock back and forth. You can work out with The Bob in this direction as well.